Appreciation Notes

[I will add any additional notes of this sort as they come to my attention. – Allan]

The Ride Across INdiana is one excellent ride!

Thanks to whoever sets the rates for day-of registration for NOT gouging us. The cost was acceptable and I know the chances that are taken when a certain number are allowed on the day of the ride. Many thanks.

The ride was wonderful (yes, even with the wind) and the rest stops and volunteers were outstanding. Plenty of GOOD food to eat there and take with, volunteers who knew what kind of moods everyone could be in and plenty of patience for those silly people …. helpful and happy.

We’ll be doing this again!

Thank You.

Joyce Beebe
Cincinnati, Ohio

Thank you Bloomington Bicycle Club and volunteers of RAIN 2013!

Saying “Thank you” to each and every person who supported RAIN 2013; such a well-run event! This was my 52nd birthday gift to myself, as well as, the first time I had participated in a ride event. While I did not obtain an official time, I did get my finisher medal/key chain; my husband said my time was 2102. The time really was not the goal- I DID IT- I RODE 160 miles IN ONE DAY!

“tired, but not sleepy; sore, but no pain — all good”

Certainly, It is only with many hours of work that this event is possible, and only with the multitude of encouragers in route do many of us complete the course. Again, Thank you! What a life cherished accomplishment you have made possible for me.

Cynthia Moorhead

Bicycle Repair

I was one of the ‘unlucky ones’ that had a technical issue on my bike (at the first rest stop, my bike got tipped over and the derailer bracket on my 2011 Cannondale Synapse snapped)….I rode unsupported and got help from Sarah and Fred, who were the bike mechanics on the site. I was wondering if you knew the number of where Fred (he was the mechanic working the first rest stop) as I want to call him and personally thank him for helping me out.

I had no sag, and Fred went out of his way to call ahead to the Bicycle Garage of Indy to find me a new derailer bracket. He also transported me to the next rest stop where I had access to a friend’s car and then could drive to Greenwood where I got my derailer bracket fixed, drove back to Rest Stop #2 and then started the ride again at 1 PM.  I made it back to Richmond by 9:15 PM and finished.

Great ride though.  And I will be back next year to do it again (hopefully without a mechanical failure!!).


David Weber
Cincinnati, Ohio